
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Proteus simulation for 8051: Codes from Mazidi

8051 microcontroller is the basic controller taught in electronics and electrical engineering. And, Mazidi's is the Bible of 8051! 

Below are some of my codes and simulations adapted from Mazidi to help the beginners :)

All codes are made in Keil uVision and in embedded C. This is to help the beginners who find C language uncomfortable.

Below are the link for files for Proteus ISIS and few C file examples.

  1. Download the files given here.
  2. Open the .DSN files in Proteus ISIS.
  3. Make a new project in KEil uVision, and select either Intel 8051 or Atmel AT89C51. Now, include the C file (only one of them) in the project; compile and run.
  4. In Keil, set the crystal frequency accordingly ("e.g." you should select 11.0592MHz for serial comms, else to your needs).
  5. Also, the 8051's crystal frequency should be changed in the .DSN file. 
  6. Now, in Keil, compile the project and generate a HEX file.
  7. Load this HEX file via properties of 8051 in the .DSN file by Right Click-> Edit properties.
  8. Run simulation by pressing Play button in ISIS.

Hope this helps you guys a lot! These are actually my lab experiments when I was in 3rd year of BE(EC) at GCET under NHD [many thanks for his guidance :) ].

To download the latest version of the software:

Keil uVision C51

Labcenter Eelctronics Proteus

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